Alevel Sociology Wikia


Observations are built on the assumption that seeing how people behave is more valid than asking how people would behave. An observation can be either

  • non-participant or participant;
  • covert or overt

Please note that the observation method in general share the following problems (which will not be repeated again, though relevant throughout this page)

  • not replicable, thus might not be reliable
  • involves selection, interpretation and reconstruction of ideas and events, which might affect the validity
  • the Hawthorne/observer effect (people behave less naturally when they know they're being observed) is present in overt observations, however, if a participant from a covert observation becomes suspicious about the researcher's identity, the Hawthorne effect will emerge.

Non-participant observation[]

The researcher observes the research subject without participating in the behaviour being studied. Usually the subject is unaware of being observed. Parke&Griffiths (2002) "Non-participant observation usually relies on the researcher being unknown to the group under study...[they] can study a situation in its natural setting without altering that setting"


  • Studies behaviour in a natural setting, so likely to be valid
  • Access to people who are unwilling to be studied, e.g. those who engage in illegal, secret or personally embarrassing behaviours


  • Might fail to capture depth, richness and intimate details of behaviour
  • Unethical to observe/study people without their consent (if covert)

Participant observation[]

The researcher takes part in the behaviour being studied. Downes&Rock (2003) "the claim social behaviour cannot be understood unless it is personally experienced". It aims to achieve verstehen (the researcher's ability to see things from the subject's viewpoint/empathy)


  • A '360-degree' view: the researcher can witness and experience what people actually do
  • (It is believed to be) able to achieve verstehen
  • Close access to groups which are difficult/impossible to be studied using other methods, e.g. most gang members would not care to respond to questionnaires/interviews.


  • Lots of time, effort and money are required
  • Might be hard to get sponsorship to gain access to certain groups
  • Risk of 'going native' if the researcher becomes too involved
  • It's impossible to study 'everyone at all times and locations', thus it becomes 'a matter of personal choice as to what data are recorded, collected and observed' (Parke&Griffiths)
  • Difficult to balance the roles as a researcher and as a participant
  • The characteristics of the researcher must match those being observed, e.g. a man cannot participant-observe a group of nuns

An example of studies using covert observation is Venkatesh's 2009 study Gang Leader for a Day.

Overt observation[]

The research subjects are aware of being observed.


  • More ethical than covert observations since permission is asked
  • The subjects might hold back certain aspects of their normal behaviour which they don't want the researcher to see. Validity might be affected in this way

Covert observation[]

The research subjects are unaware of being observed.


  • Difficult to get in/out if the group is exclusive to the public
  • Risk of exposure, which might be dangerous to the researcher
  • Cannot take notes, ask too many questions or openly record conversations
  • Ethical concerns

An example of studies using covert observation is Laud Humphrey's 1970 study Tea Room Trade.

Examples of research[]

Overt participant:[]

Learning to Labour - Paul Willis

The Making of a Moonie - Eileen Barker

Overt non-participant:[]

Covert participant:[]

A Glasgow Gang Observed - James Patrick

Covert non-participant:[]

Tea Room Trade - Laud Humphrey