Liberal feminists are concerned with campaigning against sex discrimination and for equal rights and opportunities for women.
Key ideas[]
-Some progress has been made; Women’s oppression is being gradually overcome through changing people's attitudes and through changes in the law such as the Sex Discrimination Act (1975) & Equal Pay Act. Full equality will be realized through further reform (harsher penalties for domestic violence) and the socialization pattern of both sexes (encouraging sharing of household and childcare tasks).
-Many men do not have patriarchal values and do not wish to dominate and exploit women; due to this, heterosexual relationships can be a source of great happiness and fulfillment.
-It is important for women to be socialized and educated; by doing this, women would have increased free choice between a career or motherhood. Women who choose to be a housewife as their main role are not disadvantaged; they can obtain as much fulfillment as other women who have chosen to focus on their career instead.
Related sociologists[]
Ann Oakley
Sue Sharpe
-Liberal feminism is based too much on norms and values; there is little empirical evidence to support its beliefs.
-Liberal feminism is based on male values: it thinks that women should be competitive and strive for higher status.