Cultural diversity is a form of family diversity that focuses on the differences in family life caused by the ethnicity of the family members.
Examples of Cultural diversity[]
South African Family:[]
compare families in South Asia and in Britain
• Families in South Asia:
○ based traditionally around a man,
○ family groups live in large multigenerational households
○ sharing domestic and production tasks.
• Families in Britain:
○ women were increasingly working outside home
○ Production less frequently family-based
○ Married couples expected more independence from their kin
○ Split into smaller domestic units to fit British housing
○ Children experience 2cultures: conformed to British culture in society, conformed to ethnic subculture at home
○Retained links with their origin in South Asia
- Continue emphasis on loyalty to maintain traditional practices
- Family honor was taken seriously
- Paid work less important than caring for children
- Father see their roles more of a traditional breadwinner
- Conflict between different generation
- Generally children seem happy to adhere to traditional patterns of family life